Thursday, February 16, 2006

Lovely Distraction

I haven't blogged anything worthwhile for awhile, and I apologize. It's all her fault. I have taken a liking to an adorable girl down in bountiful and have been busy talking to her for hours on end on the phone, burning waffle cones at work daydreaming about her, and wishing class were over with so I could go home, take a nap, then wake up and wonder about her more. I'm really a mess. I should be more levelheaded about this whole thing, but it can be difficult when one is so smitten.

So I was talking with this lovely young lady this evening, and we discussed whether we were people who were more inclined to trust our minds or our feelings. I used to believe that I was someone who was more controled by what I felt than what I thought, but as we got talking, she said that every decision we make is really a combination of both heart and mind. I hadn't thought about it that way before, and I really liked it. She claimed that they must agree for a good decision to be made. What thinkest thou?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

More driving Issues

So I've been thinking about my previous post, and I thought to myself, "Self, you should be the solution instead of just the pointer-outer of the problem." So I came up with an idea. Our problem is that people cruise in the left lane. As we all know (Tj likely even more thouroughly than some) that people respond to incentives. What could we do to help people get the idea that they should actually hang out in the right lane? Should we threaten them? Perhaps pass out cookies to right laners? Maybe we could start painting all of the dotted lines at an angle towards the right side of things to ease those folks over there. Well, fellow bloggers, any bright ideas?

Left lane laziness

So I thought I’d take a minute to vent about bad habits that approximately 47% of Utah drivers. Hopefully it won’t take too long.

So I’m driving down to Salt Lake today for a family dinner, and I’m not racing to get there or anything, but I’m moving right along. I can’t even tell you how many times I had to slow down behind some dipcrap poking along in the left lane. You have to pass them in the right lane. It’s the only way around them. You can flash your lights, honk your horn, pretty much anything, and they just cruise along remaining in their ignorant bliss. There could be 3 state troopers with lights flashing, a fire truck with it’s fog horn blowing right behind them, and a clown on a motorcycle in front of them with a big sign on his back that says “Move over nincompoop!” and there they would remain. I think if a truck full of land mines jackknifed and dumped all of it’s contents in the left lane, some of these individuals would remain there, waiting for a cleanup crew to arrive rather than change lanes. All of them must have missed the day in driver’s ed where they discussed that you drive in the RIGHT LANE except to pass. Perhaps they were taught this principle by a dyslexic driver’s ed teacher who got it mixed up. So sad.

Maybe they are just afraid of the uncertainty of the right lane. “What if someone wants to merge?!? Aaack! Could I deal with that? What if I end up behind a Buick and I have to (Gasp) alter my speed? That could be too much!”

I guess it upsets me because I see driving as a dance, and if everyone moves properly, it can be an almost artistic, harmonious experience. It’s a fluid interaction, a series of planned maneuvers and compromises, which can optimize both efficiency and enjoyment. A machine out of many machines. It could be marvelous. But some will never see it that way. They’d rather set the cruise, turn on the DVD player and let the media raise their kids, and somehow take a nap while driving on the interstate.

I'm new at this

Hey everyone, just getting started now, more to follow soon.