Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Writing and driving-why they are both great.

T.J.-thanks for the shout out. This one's for you, man.

So I should be working on a powerpoint presentation I have to have done by friday, but I'm not. I'd rather write. I like writing. It's like driving. Only much cheaper, and in some ways (given my current automobile) more therapudic. Okay, maybe it's not like driving at all. But I really like driving and writing. They both stir something deep inside me. They are different though. Writing has the ability (with the proper audience) to dust off things long forgotten in the dirty corners of my world-weary brain. I like that. It's like a really deep massage. It can take some work, but it sure feels good afterwards. Driving on the other hand, gives me some sort of an outlet. It's a great way to feel good about connecting with a machine and nature all at the same time. The car follows you and the road which follows the curve of a mountain. And it's all connected. Deep into a corner, many parts of all of those elements are against each other and yet working together. It's beautiful to me.

Anyway, this may be the longest post I've written since....last time a wrote this long of a post. But seriously, it's almost pretty long. And it's been pretty long. And it's ugly late. So goodnight, and good luck.