I just thought I'd quickly blog a moment and say thanks for a great summer, to all those who were, even in a small way, part of something wonderful. I have learned a lot, slept a little more, and smiled a whole lot. Life has been good to me this summer, in spite of it all. I've had a lot of fun, some of the best things being the simplest.
Holding Trina in the Smithfield cemetary and wanting so badly to already be in love with her, while not realizing at the time that the moment I was living was just about as good as it gets.
A simple rope swing in Idaho with Joshnormous and Nate. I cut my finger pretty good, but it was a great memory.
Shooting the first minute and thirty-one seconds of the fireworks show on the 24th of July. You touch a little wire to a metal thing on a board, and a split second later you feel about as close to being a magician as I ever have. Everyone should be able to do that just once in their lives.
A Ganache fight at Coldstone with Meredith and Trina; a great way to end an era there. I have made many good friends and made good friends better at that job.
Driving to Aberdeen Idaho to visit my buddy Kirk when the outside temperature was 103, and me in my little Subaru without air conditioning. 103 was neat, but 110 is even better (can you say Malad pass? I don't think those little 12 inchers were ever intended to spin that fast).
Making flower bombs with Amber, Ross, and Richard. I don't want to get in trouble here, but the boom was fantastic, and I just hope we didn't scare any of the old people.
Anyhow, it's been a grand summer, in spite of it all. Good stuff. And thanks again for everything. If I forgot to mention you, I'm sorry. We are still good friends, I promise.